Marylanders take serious pride in their crab cakes. Boxhill takes serious pride in shipping them nationwide.`
Yahoo! posted an article earlier this week that listed the 50 foods that best represent each state, and of course the good ol’ Old Line State once again got the shout out for our dedication to preparing the most fresh and delicious crabs in the nation. This is far from the first time Maryland has been recognized for its crabby delicacies (like here, and here, and here, aaaannndd…here), but it’s always nice to be recognized for what Marylanders do best.
Share the Joy of Maryland Crab Cakes
While other states occasionally vary on these lists, you’d be hard pressed to find one that says anything but “Maryland: Crab Cakes.” At Boxhill, we take pride in providing the most delicious crab cakes in Maryland to those who aren’t lucky enough to live around here. If you have family or friends out of state, or just know someone who you think could use a taste of a real Maryland crab cake, please do us and them a favor and connect them with our shop so they can be enlightened as soon as possible.
Feeling Overwhelming Crab Cake Pride?
Maryland residents are never afraid to show their state pride, and what better way to do it than by shipping boxes full of Maryland’s pride and joy across the United States? That’s what we thought when we started shipping our crab cakes nationwide. Our long-distance shipping methods ensure that our products arrive at their destination without spoiling and while maintaining the same great flavor you’d get right here at the store.
For Optimum Deliciousness
We recommend letting your crab cakes slowly thaw in the fridge for about a day before serving. Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees. While your oven is pre-heating, grease a pan with butter and place the crab cakes in the pan. Once you’re good and pre-heated, pop ‘em in the oven for 20 minutes, until the crab cakes are firm and a golden brown. The crab cakes should reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees. Allow the crab cakes to cool for five minutes before serving. Finally, any good Marylander will recommend a dash (or maybe a bit more than a dash) of Old Bay before you dig in.
Contact Boxhill Now!
Located in Abingdon, Maryland, our crab cakes are available year round and can be ordered online to be shipped straight to your front door. Order online here or call us at (410)-515-3662. If you ever have any questions or comments about Box Hill or our Maryland crab cakes, use ourcontact form here.
Check out Box Hill Crab Cakes on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube for all your Maryland’s best crab cake updates!
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